There are many people working at Asthma WA in various capacities, with a wide array of skills and talents. We’d like you to meet Jane, our Operations Manager who helms what is known as the “back office” at Asthma WA.

Having joined the team six months ago, Jane’s been busy overseeing administration, security, IT, facilities and managing various projects, all working towards always improving the operational dynamics of Asthma WA.  

Jane has worked in similar roles previously and has qualifications in business, including a PhD. Jane joined Asthma WA as it’s a great opportunity to make a difference towards a worthy cause. Also, she found that she could really make a difference in her role as Operations Manager with implementing continuous improvement as well as looking after the operational side of the business.  

A lover of the arts, Jane enjoys reading and writing and spends her free time indulging in hobby photography, painting with acrylics and music. If you ever meet Jane, ask her about her piano playing at home, she will share with you that she’s probably one of the few people who lives in a household where there are more pianos than people.

With Asthma WA located right next to the scenic Kings Park and West Perth, Jane sometimes sneaks in a few quick snaps at lunch time and especially over the weekend. As Jane says, “Perth is a photographer’s paradise!” A dual love of photography and travel has taken Jane on many exciting adventures, of wading through crocodile infested waters in the Pilbara to swimming with the sharks in the open sea in the South Pacific.

It’s clear, that Jane has a wonderful balance of work and life which keeps her tremendously active.

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