Respiratory Care WA is on a mission to raise awareness so that every person living with asthma has an asthma action plan and is taking medication appropriately.

Established in 1964, The Asthma Foundation of WA (now trading as Respiratory Care WA) has a vision to help West Australians breathe better. Our mission is to lead the education and empowerment of Western Australians to take control of their asthma.

We value respect, integrity, collaboration, commitment and excellence. We’re an incorporated association governed by an honoury board of directors, with our Patron being The Honourable Chris Dawson APM, Governor of Western Australia.

Asthma is one of the top eight health priorities within Australia and our aim is to reduce asthma related deaths in WA to zero, by providing education and information to those living with asthma, so that they have an “asthma action plan” that is ready to activate when symptoms escalate. If we achieve this goal, it will reduce the burden on the public health system by millions of dollars annually, but more importantly, save over 50 lives each year in Western Australia.

Back to our roots in 1964 though and it was Mrs Judith Barton who led a group of dedicated people to consider how they could help people impacted by asthma. More than fifty years on Respiratory Care WA is the leading community organisation that provides education and support services for people with asthma, their families and carers. Respiratory Care WA has also provided over $4.5 million for asthma research.

Collaboration with key national bodies has provided opportunities to liaise with government on important issues and delivers services in a cohesive, yet state specific manner.

Celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2014

Download the Asthma Foundation of WA “Our Story” booklet that we had made to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2014.