Fundraising for a good cause can be a rewarding experience and what better way to do it than through fitness? In Western Australia, there are many fitness fundraising events that support asthma research and awareness. Now, more than ever, we need your help to raise awareness and funds to reduce asthma-related deaths in Western Australia.

Check out these events where you can easily create your own fundraiser to support Respiratory Care WA. Will you be involved or supporting someone who is?

  • HBF Run for a Reason The HBF Run for a Reason is an annual event that brings together thousands of people from all over Western Australia to run or walk in support of their chosen charity. Asthma Foundation WA is one of the many charities that benefit from this event. Participants can choose to walk or run either a 4km, 12km, or 21km course, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels.

    Run for a Reason starts Saturday, 25 Feb 2023
    Sign up today to start fundraising for Respiratory Care WA HBF Run for a Reason 2023 (
  • City to Surf is another popular annual event that raises funds for charity. Respiratory Care WA is one of the many charities that benefit from this event. Participants can choose to run or walk either a 4km, 12km, or 21km course, and the event attracts people of all ages and fitness levels.

    City to Surf Perth starts Sunday 27 Aug 2023
    Find out more about the event Register Your Interest | Chevron City to Surf for Activ (

    Keep checking back at our Fundraise for Fitness page for more events to join while helping Respiratory Care WA. We thank you for your support! Participate in a fitness challenge – Respiratory Care WA
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