Did you know Respiratory Care WA has a shop you can visit in West Perth or online where you can purchase anything asthma related? From spacers and masks, to dust mite bedding and action (emergency) kits, we have a range of products suitable for individuals, schools, and community groups. This month, our focus is on spacers and their correct use to dispense medication into your lungs and benefit your breathing.

Spacers help medication get straight to where it’s needed in your lungs, with less medication ending up in your mouth and throat where it can lead to irritation or mild infections. A spacer can also make it easier to coordinate breathing in and pressing your puffer.

Spacers should be used by:

• all children – kids aged under 4–5 years will need a mask attached
• all adults taking a corticosteroid preventer medication (e.g., Flixotide, Symbicort) using an MDI/puffer
• adults who have trouble coordinating the ‘press and breathe’ technique when using a puffer
• anyone taking a reliever medication (e.g., Ventolin) during an asthma attack

You can view our spacer range easily on our online shop and they are available in a range of sizes and prices. Our range also includes the cardboard spacer, which is ideal for emergencies, first aid, travel, sports, or camping. This product can be used for up to seven days unless it becomes damaged, soggy, or dirty.

Please speak to one of our experienced Respiratory Health Nurses or Educators on 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462) if you have any questions.

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