Coming into winter asthma flare-ups can be more common. We’ve made a list of helpful tips for staying well this winter.

1. See your doctor

Make an appointment to see your doctor for a review of your asthma before winter arrives. In this appointment, discuss your asthma control, any changes to your symptoms and/or triggers, if seasonal vaccinations suit you, and update your Asthma Action Plan.

2. Annual flu vaccinations

your asthma symptoms worsen by catching a virus, speak to your doctor about whether the flu vaccination is suitable for you and when would be the best time to get it. The flu vaccination is updated each year and readily available through your GP and a number of pharmacies, and even some workplaces.

3. Warm-up for exercise

Exercise and physical activity are vital for keeping fit and healthy. Exercise only when you are well and be mindful of the weather conditions. Warm up before exercise and monitor your symptoms during activities. Remember to follow your doctor’s advice on when to take your reliever medication before and/or during exercise or if your symptoms flare up.

4. Knowing your triggers

and avoiding or minimising exposure to your confirmed triggers may help to control your asthma. Triggers in winter may include changes in temperature, colds and flus, dust mites and mould.
Keeping a symptom diary helps you to identify potential triggers when symptoms arise.

5. Keep your distance

Avoid people who are unwell and practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands regularly. Also, remember to cough and sneeze into your elbow. This will help prevent your exposure to germs while also reducing the spread of illnesses to others.

6. Be cautious of temperature changes

and sudden changes in temperature can be a trigger for some people with asthma. Take care when moving between indoor and outdoor settings and dress appropriately for the conditions.

7. Check your technique

Using your device correctly helps your medications work better and can reduce the risk of side effects. This includes inhalers, spacers as well as nasal sprays. To check your device technique, contact your doctor or pharmacist, or call Respiratory Care WA on (08) 9289 3600 to speak with one of our Respiratory Health Nurses or Educators.

8. Asthma flare-ups

Asthma medications keep you well and help to maintain good asthma control. Always carry your reliever with you, follow your Asthma Action Plan and know asthma first aid.
Remember to continue to take your preventer medication every day as prescribed.
If you need to use your reliever more than twice a week or you have started experiencing asthma symptoms at night that this can be a sign that your asthma may not be well controlled.

Respiratory Care WA can help you learn about asthma, symptoms, triggers, medication and asthma first aid. Call us on (08) 9289 3600 to book your free consultation.

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