Join our Legacy Leaders and leave a gift in your Will

By leaving a gift in your Will to Respiratory Care WA, you will be helping generations to come, ensuring we are able to continue providing free education and support the Western Australians with respiratory illnesses. For that, we cannot thank you enough.

Over 2.7 million Australians live with asthma and many struggle with their breathing every day. You can help make a lasting difference by leaving a gift in your Will to Respiratory Care WA and help future generations in WA breathe better.

A gift in your Will could help fund vital projects including: 

  • Ensuring our Children’s Asthma Hub can continue to provide the life-changing assessment, diagnosis and tailored education for young children with asthma and other respiratory conditions 
  • Providing the correct knowledge and skills to help people breathe easy 
  • The expansion and sustainability of Respiratory Care WA’s free education and training programs 
  • Helping people with COPD live well 

Our Legacy Leaders

Our Legacy Leaders come from all walks of life. Some have been affected directly by asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Others have had to watch and support their loved ones who couldn’t ‘just breathe’. 

All our Legacy Leaders have one thing in common; they want to help West Australians breathe better now, and for generations to come. 

How to become an Respiratory Care WA Legacy Leader

We recommend discussing any changes to, or the creation of your Will with a lawyer and your family first.  You can download our Legacy Leaders brochure here.

Our legal partner can help you

If you are looking for legal advice about your Will, our legal partner Lavan is offering a free 30-minute consultation to our supporters. Simply complete the form below, and we will connect you to them. Or you can contact them directly by email on

Type of gifts

There are varying types of gifts you can leave in your Will. 

  • Residual gift – the balance of your estate after all other obligations have been met
  • Percentage gift – a percentage of your estate
  • Pecuniary gift – a specific sum of money nominated by you
  • Specific gift – a nominated and specified gift. This can be identifiable as financial funds, stocks/shares, property, art, furniture, jewellery etc

Making a gift in memory

If someone close to you has passed away you may wish to make a donation to Respiratory Care WA in their memory. 

You can make your gift one-off or monthly, by donating online. Simply note on the donation in whose memory you are making the gift in honour of and we will do our best to notify their family. 

Donate online or, if you would like to discuss your gift in person, call our Community Engagement Team on (08) 9289 3600. 

All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible and receipts will be provided. 

Requesting a donation in lieu of flowers

By requesting donations in lieu of flowers you can encourage family, friends, and funeral guests to remember your loved one by making a gift to Respiratory Care WA . 

We suggest including the following wording in your loved one’s death notice: 

“Donations in lieu of flowers can be made to Respiratory Care WA” 

We are sincerely grateful and thank you for choosing to honour your loved one with a gift to Respiratory Care WA.

Get in touch

If you would like to an in confidence discussion about leaving gift in your Will, please get in touch with our Community Engagement Team by calling (08) 9289 3600, emailing or by completing the form below.