If you have specific questions about your asthma or COPD, or would like to order a resource call our free Helpline on 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462).


COVID-19 fact sheet: I have asthma PDF
COVID-19 fact sheet: my child has asthma PDF
COVID-19 fact sheet: I have COPD PDF
COVID-19 Hub

COPD resources

COPD Home Action Plan PDF
Keep well with COPD

Pulmonary Rehabilitation can play an important role in managing breathlessness and improving overall wellbeing for people with COPD and other lung conditions. In the following videos, Respiratory Physiotherapist, Sarah Hug from Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, explains what to expect and how to access suitable pulmonary rehabilitation services.

If you have questions about COPD and how Respiratory Care WA can help, give our Respiratory Health Team a call on (08) 9289 3600.

What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

Pulmonary Rehabilitation and breathlessness

How to access Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Children with asthma

Children's Asthma Hub
Kids Club
Kids Club: checklist and symptom diary PDF
Kids Club: rewards chart PDF
Asthma-ready classroom checklist PDF

Tips for staying well

Help stop the spread of germs PDF
Tips for exercising with asthma PDF
Winter checklist PDF
Asthma first aid
Flu vaccinations
Mould and your health
Spring toolkit

How to use a spacer

Full instructions for puffer and spacer use (tidal breathing technique)

  1. Remove inhaler cap
  2. Hold inhaler upright and shake well before inserting into spacer
  3. Put mouthpiece between teeth without biting and close lips to form a good seal
  4. Breathe out gently, into the spacer
  5. Hold spacer level and press down firmly on inhaler canister once
  6. Breathe in and out normally for four breaths before removing spacer from the mouth
  7. Breathe out gently
  8. Remove inhaler from spacer
  9. If an extra dose is needed, repeat steps 2 to 8
  10. Replace cap on inhaler

Have more questions? Speak to one of our experienced Respiratory Health Nurses or Educators on 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462).

How to clean a spacer

Full instructions for washing spacers:

  1. Wash once a month and after respiratory tract infections
  2. Dismantle spacer
  3. Wash in warm soapy water with kitchen detergent
  4. Do not rinse or wipe dry –allow to air dry (rinsing and wiping dry with a towel will create static)
  5. Wipe mouthpiece clean of detergent before use

Spacers are for single person use only –no sharing!

Useful tools

Asthma Alert
Activ8 for Asthma
Phone apps

Other reputable resources

National Asthma Council Australia

Asthma Australia