We’ve discovered a new app that might get your kids interested in managing their asthma! It was designed by kids for kids.

Approximately 22 percent of young people with asthma between the ages of 15 – 25, report taking time off school or work because of their asthma. In attempt to reach this community researchers developed the app to aid young people manage their asthma.

Rael Rivers, mother of three children with asthma, describes the app as a useful resource. “It’s a quick and simple way of getting my teenager to monitor their symptoms. It only takes a few seconds to enter in the information in the symptom checker and then I can use this information to show their specialist. If there is an increase in their asthma symptoms the doctor can see the consistent pattern and may then change their medication.”

The app has many features including access to forums to connect to other young people with asthma, information about asthma, videos on how to take the different medications and medication reminders.

“I really like the medication reminder feature of this app too. It alerts the user with a reminder to take their medication.” The app also enable storage of Asthma Action Plans. “I use the app for two of my older children as it allows me to access their different plans at any time and I can log on and check to see how frequent they are having flare ups.”

Kiss My Asthma app is a free download available from app stores.

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