Respiratory Care WA provides free and personalised, community-based respiratory services for people impacted by Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Our services include respiratory education, diagnostic lung function testing, health promotions, plus health professional respiratory training.

Our vision is for everyone facing respiratory conditions to have access to personalised services to live their best life.

Our services support:

  • 90% reduction in emergency presentations after initial visit, 89% reduction in hospitalisations after an initial visit for our consumers
  • 22% improvement in Asthma Control scores for paediatric consumers; 11% improvement in Asthma Control scores for adult consumers. A 10% improvement is considered a sizeable improvement.
  • Continue to improve quality of life for children and their families by 43%. COPD consumers report a 20% increase in quality of life after accessing our services
  • 11% reduction in Generalised Anxiety after seeing an Respiratory Care WA respiratory educator
  • Decrease in COPD Assessment Test (CAT) scores by 20.5% after seeing the Respiratory Care WA team three times

Since 1960, we have:

  • Helped an estimated 300,000 Western Australians, 45,000 since the year 2000
  • Run hundreds of community outreach in WA rural and remote regions and educated 150,000 teachers, 37,000 since the year 2000
  • Supported thousands of low socio-economic quintile access community services. 90% of people with COPD come from low socio-economic quintile.
  • Delivered services to more than 1,000 indigenous Australians. Indigenous Australians are now 12% of our current consumers
  • Annually, saved a combined $9M in hospital costs – $2.6M in hospitalisations and $7.8M in emergency presentations through our ability to reduce hospitalisations by 90% and emergency presentations by 85%. The estimated national economic cost of asthma is $36B with COPD $360M annually

Annual Reports

Our Annual and Financial Reports highlight both the successes and challenges of our work in WA.

2021-22 Annual Report
2021-22 Financial Report